Ana María is partner in the Paris and Bogota’s offices of Lexplana.

She is praised for her knowledge and experience in the international contracts drafting and negotiating particularly in the regulated areas of advertising and the pharmaceutical industry.

Ana María regularly supports companies and entrepreneurs in their international investment projects, mainly in France and Colombia.

She often assists companies and entrepreneurs in the structuring of collaborative economy projects, in electronic commerce and its digital applications.

She’s a qualified lawyer of the Paris and Colombia’s Bar. Ana María holds a PhD in law (University of Nantes, France and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität-München, Germany); a DEA in Intellectual Property (University of Nantes) and a LL.M. in Law and Economics (Utrecht University, The Netherlands).

She teaches the economics of intellectual property at Externado University in Colombia and private international law at the University of Nanterre Paris X. She regularly intervenes and taught conferences in the areas of international investments, international contracts and data privacy. She is also author of numerous legal publications.

She speaks fluent Spanish, English, French and German.


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63, avenue Franklin Roosevelt
+ 33(0) 1 42 56 14 00
Ana María PEREZ-TETREL En - Lexplana Avocat Abogados