Karla Sofía Escobar Arango

Lawyer specialized in Labor Law and Social Security with more than 15 years of experience in the fields of labor law, social security, litigation and migration, as well as a thorough knowledge of collective labor law.

During her professional career, Karla Sofia gained experience with some of the most important companies in the country, such as KPMG, Posse Herrera and Ruiz Abogados and Gómez Pinzón Abogados, where she worked as legal counsel in labor matters involving the preparation of work contracts, execution of due diligence processes, adjustment of salary policies, analysis of the work day, disciplinary processes, migration issues, ordinary and special processes before ordinary labor courts, processing of administrative procedures before government entities. She has also gained experience in collective law matters through the negotiation of collective agreements.

Karla Sofia specialized in Labor Law at Javeriana University in Bogota, and Environmental Law at Rosario University in Bogotá, Colombia.


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63, avenue Franklin Roosevelt
+ 33(0) 1 42 56 14 00
Karla Sofía Escobar Arango En - Lexplana Avocat Abogados